Liverpool Homeless Outreach commenced in late 1991 and is a voluntary Christian outreach ministry.
Read more...Ethel Dunn, from Larkhill Gospel Hall, having ministered to the homeless, substance misusers and to those who were alcoholic dependent... in her working life as a nurse in the Royal Hospital, and, later in retirement, in daytime visits to the city centre, seized the opportunity one Sunday night to distribute food left over after a church tea.
Read more...The work has continued because many of The Lords people have prayed whilst others have given practical support through provision of food and clothing whilst others have been involved through their attendance on a Sunday Night.
Read more...Vincent Hessey attends The Bridge Chapel and has been involved with Liverpool Homeless Outreach for 16 years. He acts as Chairman and has responsibility for liaising with other agencies. Vince has a background in youth and community work and is employed by the NHS working with individuals with drug, alcohol and mental health problems.